Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thursday Thought

¨When you look into a pool of water, if the water is still, you can see the moon reflected. If the water is agitated, the moon is fragmented and scattered. It is harder to see the true moon. Our minds are like that. When our minds are agitated, we cannot see the true world.¨
Jon Muth, Zen Shorts (as quoted in Sharon Salzberg's Real Happiness)

My mind has been racing a hundred different directions at once. Since I started my new job, I dream about work almost every night, journal about potential new projects and think about work when biking to work (only done it 7 times so far, but it still feels like an accomplishment for January). Though my thoughts are positive and an outcropping of the excitement I feel about new ideas generating, I wonder if I can see ¨the true moon¨ or ¨the true world¨. I'm actively working to calm myself (though perhaps that is an oxymoronic concept) and suspect that I'll move back into a groove as I return to some of my routines.

Baking or cooking complicated items seems to bring me back to the real world. How do you calm your mind when it races?

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