Thursday, January 1, 2015

Thursday Thought

¨Just put your body there....Because that's the expression of commitment and the rest will follow from that¨
Sharon Salzberg, Real Happiness

Happy New Year! Once again, we are inundated by advertisements extolling ¨be your best you¨ by using their product, following their diet or trying their workout. I don't make New Year's resolutions per se, but I do enjoy the feeling of a new start that comes with the change of each season.

Not surprisingly, Christmas (combined with a killer cold and random foot/ankle pain that started one morning for no discernible reason) has wreaked havoc on many of the good habits that I've built up, including meditation, morning exercise and even my beloved loose-recipe challenge. So with my ¨new start¨ granted by the turn of the calendar page, it's time for me to get back to it - just putting my body on the weight bench, in my running shoes or in the kitchen to see what follows.

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