Thursday, April 23, 2015

Thursday Thought

¨I have only two remedies for weariness: one is change and the other is relaxation.¨
Eleanor Roosevelt, You Learn By Living

Through a series of unusual scheduling circumstances, I found myself going into my workplace ten days in a row (not necessarily for full days, but still...). By the end of the 9th day, I realized that, much as I love my job, that pattern is not sustainable if I want to keep my patience and cheery demeanor. After the tenth day, I spent two days at the Washington Library Association Annual Conference, where I connected with a number of inspiring library folk, who were passionate about service to youth and under-served populations. The change in location and people lifted my spirits and helped some of my weariness disappear.

I followed up the conference with two full, beautiful weekend days where I had breakfast at the Portage Bay Cafe with two forever friends and their infant sons, kayaked upwind from South Lake Union Park to Ivar's Salmon House in an only partially-inflated kayak (Trent was a sweetheart and switched boats on the return voyage), sang in the choir, sat on the beach at Lincoln Park to celebrate the life of a lost friend, cooked a Recipe Challenge meal and went to a meeting about our Tanzania trip. Hmm... doesn't actually sound that much like relaxation, but I started the week with energy and my sanity intact.

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