Wednesday, December 10, 2014

What I'm Reading Wednesdays

For over a month, I've had a draft for this blog posting. I've so enjoyed having one regular feature, that I thought I'd add in another alliterative day of the week. While this may end up being only an occasional feature, I now present the first "What I'm Reading Wednesday".

Somehow, I am in the middle of four books, which is not typical. Usually two to three is more my speed. One adventure read-aloud with Trent and another book for me (sometimes one fiction and one non-fiction at the same time).

In the Kingdom of Ice: The Grand and Terrible Polar Voyage of the USS Jeannette by Hampton Sides. I have an addiction to polar adventure. Fiction, non-fiction - it matters not - and I am love, love, loving this read-aloud which features a brave leader convinced by the best minds of the time that he will find a balmy polar sea at the North Pole and an eccentric newspaperman, who sponsors the expedition (and also sponsored Stanley's search for Livingstone).

Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation by Sharon Salzberg. I've read so much on the benefits of meditation and keep hoping that it will both calm my mind and lower my blood pressure - but I'm such a beginner that I can use all of the tips and encouragement I can get.

Working by Studs Terkel. On our way back from Shilshole one day, Trent turned up the radio saying, "I think you'd be interested in this". In honor of the 40th anniversary of the book of interviews of people from all different professions, they were playing an interview from a taxi driver. I was riveted and immediately placed the book on hold. Unfortunately, it lengthy with fairly tiny type, so I waited until the last day before running out of renewals to start reading and then promptly checked it out again.

The Ghosts of Tupelo Landing by Sheila Turnage. The one children's novel on my list, this one has tons of starred reviews and is on lots of end of year "best book" lists. Yes, there are a number of other kids books with spunky Southern orphans, but even so, there's something special about Mo LoBeau.

What are you reading?

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