Thursday, December 25, 2014

Thursday Thought

The best things in life aren't things.
Attributed to tons of people, so I'm not going to single out just one

Merry Christmas! It's been just over a week since I last posted, which makes me feel like I've been missing in action, even though earlier in the year I would have thought nothing of it.

Right now, I'm at Trent's parents' house in the Tri-Cities. The sun has come out after a day of rain. I'm enjoying the quiet of the morning and the return of my energy after a few days of a mild cold. Over the past few years, we've been simplifying Christmas (though my side of the family has yet to follow suit). We began by drawing names and have transitioned to more simple handmade or consumable trifles, so that we can experience the joy of being together without so much of the stress of seeking out the perfect gift.

At the moment, I'm particularly grateful for my mom's health. She was hit by a car a week ago and spent most of the night in the emergency room. Fortunately, the car was going at a fairly low speed and the driver got out to keep her warm and safe as they waited for the paramedics to arrive. Her ankle's a little sore and she has a mild concussion, but it could have been so much worse.

I'm also enjoying how my new job gives me the opportunity to interact more with people - chatting with a little girl about her favorite Rainbow Fairies books, helping a young immigrant understand the book he is reading or finding directions for a lost traveler. I'm also thankful for the vacation time my job gives me to allow me to spend Christmas away from home.

Over the next few hours, more of the family will emerge from sleep and we'll open gifts, laugh, take pictures and eat brunch - with maybe a Christmas Day walk to throw in the mix. And when it gets to me a more reasonable time of day, I'll call my parents and siblings to let them know how much I miss them. I'm hoping to find a way to do a Google Hangout with some of them (though my mom is restricted from much computer use, so that may not end up happening).

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