Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Listmania - (Tanzania) You Fill Up My Senses

The sounds: chirping, warbling, cooing birds, crowing roosters, the morning call to prayer (which my earplugs generally covered up), ¨karibu - you are welcome¨, ¨habari - how are you?¨, ¨jambo¨, the generator kicking in after one of the daily power outages, Saturday evening pounding bass (along with laughter, hooting and cheering), the snores of my roommate, honking motorcycles, crickets, cascading laughter, roaring car engines, dull rumble of traffic, guest house blender, cameras focusing and snapping, singing

The smells: acrid smoke as plastic and other garbage burns (evident immediately on exiting the plane), eucalyptus (especially when on safari), dust

The sights: roaming chickens, goats, cows, banana trees, maize, dirt roads, kids everywhere!, businesses with names such as ¨Cuting Saloon¨, ¨Ambiance Pub¨, ¨Digital Pub¨, ¨Modern Driving School¨ or ¨I'm a King M'Pesa¨, dala dalas (buses), birds flitting in and out of the open-air auditorium at the school, Mama Kiara's gentle smile, a Maasai boy standing at the shoulder of the road with a chicken on his head

The tastes: freshly made juices (mango, baobab flower, papaya passion, avocado), vegetable soups (potato, tomato, pumpkin, cucumber, carrot), sweet milky chai, Africafe, the tang of Tangawizi (Coca-cola produced ginger beer), crisp & smoky goat, savory pancakes, chapati, ugali, pilau, watermelon, pineapple, mango, tiny bananas, green bananas, tomatoes, the most delicious and ginormous avocados ever (!)

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