Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Road Not Travelled

All of my could've/would've/should'ves are travel related - the literal road or airway not taken. The places I almost took the leap to visit, but didn't still nag at me.

In high school I glamorized travel abroad (if I'm completely honest with myself, I still do). I knew that if we could scrape together the money for a semester at sea, a trip to Israel as a youth delegate or a year in Germany everything would be different. I'd return confident and fluent in a new language and a new life. But I knew how tight money was and tamped down my dreams. (And lest this seem too maudlin, through the help of financial aid I had two inspiring and heart-changing trips to Ensenada, which only whetted my appetite for more).

As a Spanish major in college, I longed to journey to the seaport of Cadiz for the UW study abroad program. Those blue waters called to my soul. But again, I was troubled by money. And this time, there was the added complication of new LOVE. Could we bear to be apart for months? I put those dreams in a little box and tucked them away.

As the years passed, I joined the adult world of full-time work. Money was less of an issue. I went on short trips to Japan, Mexico and Trinidad & Tobago. My mom and sister began planning a trip to Italy. I was on-board until a temporary job opportunity came up. I couldn't miss a week of work in the middle of it - it would be like throwing away a promotion. I stayed behind. They drank wine, swooned over the gelato, visited the Sistine Chapel, stayed in hostels and came back glowing, closely connected by new adventures and memories that I would never be a part of. I swore that we would travel there the next year (it's been almost seven years and still no trip to Italy).

Now a new trip possibility looms in the horizon - to Tanzania to join our sister church and help support their school. Africa is knocking at the door. Do I open it or continue hiding in the storm cellar? (Okay, admittedly, that was completely melodramatic, but seriously, if I don't go, will this turn into another regret?)

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