Sunday, January 19, 2014

Adventures in Kingston, part one

Ah, the promise of a three day weekend - especially one where torrential rains and hurricane-force winds are not in the forecast. Trent and I have been thwarted too many times in search of perfect weather and we determined that this would be the weekend for an overnight sailing trip - even if we had to motor to get there.

The forecast: Saturday, S wind 5-15 knots; Sunday, N wind to 10.

The destination, planned so that we could sail downwind both directions, Kingston.

The reality when we got to Shilshole and left the breakwater:  N wind 2 knots. I got excited for a moment when the wind instrument read 7. Unfortunately, that was merely because the speedometer wasn't working, which for some reason affects the perceived wind speed. Go figure.

So we motored. Got out trusty Otto, our autopilot and enjoyed the emergence of the sun after a morning of grayness. Sighted a seal and several birds (which some day I will learn to identify). And then a shout from Trent broke the monotony of the engine's roar - "I think I see a whale". Up ahead were two boats: a power boat and a sailboat, just loitering in the Sound. We slowed to match their meandering pace. I searched fruitlessly until a pointy fin surfaced in the distance. And then another, and another. Trent pulled out the binoculars (always a handy accessory for adventure in the high seas). We saw 7-8 orcas before they disappeared.

Disappointed, we hung around for a few minutes and then decided to continue on our way, as it was nearing dusk. The other boats gave up too. Or so we thought, until we noticed the same fins and lengths of whales puffing near the new location of the power boat. Trent tried to catch the action on video, but it was nowhere near as magical as in-person.

We arrived in Kingston just after the marina closed. Fortunately, we had the foresight to call ahead to get the bathroom codes. While Rock Lobster has a port-a-potty, I try never to use it, under the theory that if it never gets used, we never have to clean and empty it - or for that matter, smell it.

Stay tuned for part two of our adventures, where we explore the town.

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